There are emergencies in dental care, just like other medical treatment types. Dental emergencies can happen even if you’ve treated your teeth well for a long time. How much effort or money you invest in maintaining your dental health doesn’t matter. 

Many people don’t realize that untreated dental problems could be prone to deterioration in time. This is why knowing what constitutes and doesn’t constitute a dental emergency is crucial. Any situation in which you feel your life is at risk is considered a dental emergency.

Dental Emergencies

Dental emergencies can be dangerous situations that require prompt treatment to ease extreme pain, stop bleeding, or prevent infections. Suppose you’re not familiar with the common signs of an emergency dental issue. In that case, it is possible that you cannot distinguish between a minor issue and a more severe condition.

Severe Pain

The first step to treating an injured tooth is to examine the tooth, floss, and wash the area. A food item that is stuck between two teeth could cause extreme pain. The issue can be solved by removing the item, and there’s no need for an emergency intervention.

But tooth pain can be a sign of an infection. It is usually a sign that the tooth has reached the root. You may require an urgent root canal procedure and crown placement.

Acetaminophen and ibuprofen, available over the counter, help alleviate pain from dental in the beginning stages. If the pain persists, it is best treated as an emergency, and a dentist must be consulted; call them to be sure. 


Gums that are bleeding could indicate dental problems like periodontitis or gingivitis. This is a cause for concern; however, they don’t make an emergency.

If the bleeding doesn’t stop, or if swelling or toothache is present could indicate a more severe issue. A periodontist or dentist is the most reliable assessor of the patient’s level of urgency.

Gums can also leak when they’ve been cut or damaged by trauma. Sutures are often required to stop bleeding and prevent infections. An expert like Easton’s oral surgeon must address the damage.

Signs of Infection

An abscess or tooth infection can trigger a range of signs. Patients may experience unbearable pain, making it difficult to consume food. It can be so severe that it can trigger an increase in temperature.

Dental emergencies include tooth infections as well as abscesses. An infection in the tooth may spread to adjacent teeth or even the jaw when left untreated. In the worst-case scenario, an infection could enter the bloodstream and cause death. You can get emergency dental services without an appointment.

Loose or Broken Teeth

Adults who have loose teeth are unusual and could indicate an emergency dental situation. It could result from an injury, like a blow to the face, or may show an infected tooth. If you suffer from loose teeth, you should visit your dentist to determine whether they are salvageable.

A chipped or broken tooth isn’t always an emergency dental situation. It might not look attractive. However, it can be a while before it causes other issues. A damaged tooth may also cause issues with the alignment of the bite and can cause jaw problems.